Sophia's Jungle Adventure

Kids Yoga Stories

  • $8.95 USD

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Join Sophia's jungle adventure

Fly like a toucan, slither like a snake, and flutter like a butterfly as you act out this journey through a Costa Rican jungle with Kids Yoga Stories.

The storybook includes a list of kids yoga poses and a parent-teacher guide. Jazz up your jungle story with these extension ideas.

Download a free Wordsearch and Coloring Page.

Age group: 4 to 7.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 72 reviews
Amazon c.
I Love "Sophia's Jungle Adventure"! Giselle i …

I Love "Sophia's Jungle Adventure"! Giselle is clearly a great child educator and story teller. Her clever ability to weave Yoga into adventures of travel and life lessons is seamless and Fun!

Joanie W.
I just received Sophia's Jungle Adventure, it …

I just received Sophia's Jungle Adventure, it's terrific!! I love how you combine storytelling, travel and yoga! Very clever! I see your experience as a teacher, so simple, yet covering all the basics! The guide is extremely helpful, too. I look forward to sharing this with the kids in my life.

Sophia’s Jungle Adventure was brilliant. With …

Sophia’s Jungle Adventure was brilliant. With an emphasis on imagination and having fun this story ignited my sons enthusiasm for yoga poses, and I love this because I can see his physical abilities being challenged and his mental wellbeing being nurtured. An added benefit of the simple story layout was that it drew our family together (husband included) to experience some yoga and quality bonding time together.

I love this book- it offers some Spanish word …

I love this book- it offers some Spanish words in pictures, combines a great lesson on environmentalism with Yoga for kids. I will use it in my Pre-K classroom frequently

Tracey S.
A cute, imaginative book! I loved all of the …

A cute, imaginative book! I loved all of the messages- from the yoga itself to the environmental concerns. I look forward to introducing to our SLC class.

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