Dinosaur Yoga Cards for Kids
Roar! Dinosaur Yoga for Kids is here!
Do your children love dinosaurs? Are you looking for fun, active, and engaging ways to teach them about prehistoric animals?
If your answer is yes, then it’s time to introduce them to Dinosaur Yoga. Pretend to be a T-Rex, Stegosaurus, and a Triceratops with these dinosaur-themed yoga cards.
This yoga deck of 59 colorful cards includes:
- an index card listing the dinosaur poses in a sequence
- instructions for each pose
- a brief description of each of the prehistoric animals in the deck, along with the pronunciation and description
- yoga teaching tips
- 20 yoga pose cards
20 matching dinosaur cards
The yoga poses in the index are sequenced specifically to invite flow from one pose to the next. This takes the guesswork out of figuring out which pose to do next.
Download these Dinosaur Yoga Cards to learn through movement in your home, classroom, or studio.
The yoga kids are multicultural from a variety of countries.
Ages 4+
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